What Produce is in Season Right Now in Florida?

The desire to eat locally sourced, fresh ingredients is a dining trend that isn’t going anywhere. Foodies everywhere love to eat well, whether it’s at home or out on the town. At Marker 32, we understand the importance of serving our guests seasonal dishes. From...

Summer Fruits and Vegetables Perfect for Cooking

We’re all about picking a strawberry right off the vine and eating it raw. The same goes for an onion. (Although, that’d be a whole lot less enjoyable.) There’s just something about taking fresh fruits and veggies and transforming them into a simple, gourmet dish....

Spring Wines that Pair Best with Your Main Course

The warm weather has finally arrived in our corner of Florida and that means it’s time for seasonal food and drink favorites. From fresh produce to crisp wine, the spring season makes way for some of our favorite indulgences. The Marker 32 team put together a list of...